Throughout the driving test, the examiner will ask you to park on the left on more than one occasion. This is to ensure you do so safely by using main interior mirror, your left mirror and signalling to the left. The examiner will not ask you to park anywhere that is illegal, although do ensure to avoid parking in front of somebody’s driveway, or a fire hydrant. Once you have stopped the car, apply the handbrake and select Park. Other than testing your ability to park safely on the left, it may be to perform a driving test manoeuvre such as the turnaround manoeuvre, or 3-point turn. The test examiner will provide a briefing, explaining to you that he/she would like you perform a turnaround manoeuvre using a selection of gears and brakes.
Before you start the turn in the road, look into your main mirror, right mirror and look into your right-hand blind spot. An indication will not be necessary as you will only want to start the turn in the road manoeuvre if the road is clear of approaching vehicles. If the road is not clear, wait until it is, but ensure you make full checks again before starting the manoeuvre. Then indicate right.
Move the car off very slowly. Think of a slow walking pace for speed. As soon as the car moves forward, steer as hard as possible to full right lock. Approximately 1 metre from the kerb, turn the wheel to the left approximately 1 turn. It is not essential that you do this, it simply helps to straighten the wheel for when you begin to reverse and makes the manoeuvre a little easier.
Once you have turned the wheel to the left, gently brake to a stop. Apply the handbrake if necessary and select reverse gear. Before moving the car, take a good look up and down the road at least twice each way for any approaching vehicles. If all clear, look out the rear windscreen, slowly move the car backwards and steer as fast as possible to left steering lock. Again keep the car slow whilst moving. Your main observation should be out the rear window but also constantly check up and down the road for oncoming vehicles.
Approximately half way in the road, your attention should now be over your right shoulder at the approaching kerb. This is now the closest to the car and so is the most dangerous due to possible mounting of the kerb. Approximately 1 metre from the steer 1 turn to the right, and gently brake to a stop.
Apply the handbrake if necessary, select Drive. Before moving the car off, take a good look up and down the road at least twice each way to ensure it is safe to proceed.
If all is clear, release the handbrake and move the car off slowly and steer as quickly as possible to the right.